
What are the benefits to becoming a No Wrong Door partner?

  • Access to a managed resource database of local and statewide services available to the individuals you serve
  • Promote your organization’s services through the statewide database
  • Build a community record for the individuals you support, keeping track of the resources shared with them
  • Electronically refer individuals to other agencies within the No Wrong Door (NWD) partner network
  • Electronically receive referrals from other NWD partner agencies
  • Run detailed reports to demonstrate how many individuals your agency has served, types of services to which you most refer, demographics, time spent by staff connecting individuals to supports, and more
  • Collaborate with your local NWD lead agency, as well as other community partners
  • Participate in your local NWD advisory council and statewide NWD network calls for additional community exposure
  • Have your agency identified as a NWD partner on public websites, allowing individuals visiting those sites to directly self-refer to your program (this is an opt-in feature)

How does No Wrong Door work?

Community partner agencies can electronically refer to each other as they work to refer individuals to community-based supports.  One community profile is created within the No Wrong Door (NWD) system, which, with the individual’s consent, is shared with referral agencies. This enables the individual to access services quicker and in a more streamlined manner. Through its robust database, the NWD system enables you access to information on over 27,000 statewide services that could be of benefit to those you serve.

What if I need to make a referral to an agency that is not a No Wrong Door partner?

Electronic referrals can only be made to other No Wrong Door partners, however all referrals can be made and tracked regardless of the partner status of the receiving agency. CRIA is built with an interface to a statewide “provider database” of over 26,000 programs and services. When a partner searches the database and makes a referral to a “non-partner”, the referral is still tracked within the system. In this way, you can always have a complete record of where and when referrals have been made for the individuals you serve.

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What kind of reports will the No Wrong Door System produce?

The system provides a number of standardized reports on both the individual and agency levels. Furthermore, you can access referral data anytime, and filter and sort it to easily create customized reports and spreadsheets. Data is available to track the status of the referrals you make, whether they have been accepted, rejected, or are still pending. For quality assurance, this data can be filtered by “case manager/care coordinator.” Additionally, aggregate data can be valuable when seeking funding to show referrals by region, service type or population.

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I already have a case management system. Why would I want to connect to another system?

No Wrong Door is not another case management system, time management system, or reporting system. Specifically, CRIA is an electronic communication and referral tool. Historically, agencies have made referrals, by phone, fax, and secure email. Think of CRIA as taking the place of these communications tools and providing you with additional benefits. A referral call often leads to voicemail, which then must be documented with notes about your message. If your call is not returned promptly, you must repeat your actions and re-document. CRIA streamlines this process so you only make the referral once – all documentation and tracking is automated. When you make a referral by fax, you receive notification that your fax was successfully sent, but you do not get notification from the agency that they will accept the referral. CRIA offers what we call the “pitch” and “catch” so providers always know that, beyond sending the referral, it actually landed safely in the hands of a provider, who will now take action. Even secure email cannot provide the same efficiencies as CRIA. While email does offer an electronic mode for the referral, each referral is isolated. Referrals in No Wrong Door become part of a bigger picture by feeding a shared record across multiple partners.

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How can I be sure the No Wrong Door System is secure?

The No Wrong Door System operates under the federal guidelines of HIPAA and the state guidelines of the Office of the Attorney General, together overseeing policies for the exchange of uniquely identifiable and personal health information between providers. In order for personal information to be shared in the No Wrong Door System, Virginia’s uniform consent form must be signed by the individual, directing which providers can access the personal information. An automated function in the No Wrong Door System verifies consent was obtained and tracks which partners have consent. It is always an individual’s choice to allow a provider to share or not to share their information. No Wrong Door data is protected by both technology safeguards and partner agreements, governed by the Office of the Attorney General, policies of the Commonwealth, and a Statewide Resource Advisory Council.

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Person-Centered Practices

Person-centered practice is the very foundation of NWD and involves supporting individuals’ self-determination and independence by engaging them in defining their own needs and services. Focused on determining what is important to individuals, the person-centered counselor works to ensure individuals are connected to services to meet these important desires, while simultaneously working to ensure health and safety needs are met. For more information on person-centered practices click here.

Person-centered thinking training opportunities are available throughout Virginia for your staff who work to assist older adults, persons with disabilities, and/or veterans access community-based services and supports. For more information on training opportunities, click here.